ə ˈnɛklɪs ɒf ˈwɔːtə drɒpz
A birthday every week
ə ˈbəːθdeɪ ˈɛvri wiːk
Many year ago, a Great King, called Emperor,
mɛni jɪə əˈɡəʊ, ə ɡreɪt kɪŋ, kɔːlid
he very rich and live with his family in a large village.
hiː ˈvɛri rɪtʃ ənd lɪv wɪð hiz ˈfamɪli ɪn ə lɑːdʒ ˈvɪlɪdʒ
He has a girl, the princess need a lot of room because she has many things.
hiː haz ə ɡəːl, ðə prɪnˈses niːd ə lɒt əv ruːm bɪˈkɒz ʃi haz ˈmeni θɪŋz
When Emperor went every away, he returned with a present for his daughter
Wen went ˈɛvri əˈweɪ, hiː rɪˈtɜːnid /wɪð ə ˈpreznt fə(r) hiz /ˈdɔːtər
or when visitor came to the place, they always to had bring present for the princess.
ɔː(r) wen ˈvɪzɪtə(r) keɪm tə ðə /pleɪs, ðeɪ ˈɔːlweɪz t ə həd brɪŋ ˈpreznt fə(r) ðə ˈprɪnses
Special here, if everyone only have one birthday time a year,
ˈspeʃl hɪə(r) ɪf ˈevriwʌn ˈoʊnli həv wʌn ˈbɜːθdeɪ taɪm ə jɪə(r),
princess have one time a week.
prɪnˈses həv wʌn taɪm ə wiːk
At her birthday, she always received many presents, she grew up,
ət hə(r) ˈbɜːθdeɪ, ʃi ˈɔːlweɪz rɪˈsiːvd ˈmeni ˈpreznt, ʃi ɡruː ʌp
she need many room to keep them in,
ʃi niːd ˈmeni ruːm tə kiːp ðəm ɪn
so she thought of something else she wanted.
səʊ ʃi θɔːt əv ˈsʌmθɪŋ els ʃi ˈwɒntɪd
She already had jewels and watches and toys and clocks of very kind.
ʃi ɔːlˈredi həd ˈdʒuːəl ənd wɒtʃis ənd tɔɪz ənd klɒkz əv ˈveri/ kaɪnd
One day she saw a fountain in the garden
wʌn deɪ ʃi sɔː ə ˈfaʊntən ɪn ðə ˈɡɑːdn
when she visit a home of a rich man, she very like.
Wen ʃi ˈvɪzɪt ə həʊm əv ə rɪtʃ mæn, ʃi ˈveri laɪk
The water shoot up into the air and splash down into the little poor,
ðə ˈwɔːtə(r) /ʃuːt ʌp ˈɪntə ðə eə(r) ənd splæʃ daʊn ˈɪntə ðə ˈlɪtl pɔː(r)
special when the sun shone on it.
ˈspeʃl wen ðə sʌn ʃɒn ɒn ɪt
Came back home, she told with her father to give her a fountain.
keɪm bæk həʊm, ʃi təʊld wɪð hə(r) ˈfɑːðə(r) tə ɡɪv hə(r) ə ˈfaʊntən
He agreed and called many servants to build one in the garden.
Hi əˈɡriː ənd kɔːld ˈmeni ˈsɜːvənt tə bɪld wʌn ɪn ðə ˈɡɑːdn
They work very hard. When they had finished, the princess came to look.
ðeɪ wɜːk ˈveri hɑːd. wen ðeɪ həd ˈfɪnɪʃt , ðə prɪnˈses keɪm tə /lʊk
It’s really is beautiful, she cried. She looked at the bright, splashing water.
ɪts ˈriːəli ɪz ˈbjuːtɪfl, ʃi kraɪd. ʃi /lʊk ət ðə braɪt, splæʃ ˈwɔːtə(r)
Father, I want a necklace to make by drops of water, she said.
ˈfɑːðə(r), aɪ wɒnt ə ˈnekləs tə meɪk baɪ drɒpz əv ˈwɔːtə(r), ʃi sed
Drop sof water, the Emperor repeated.
drɒp əv ˈwɔːtə(r), ðə rɪˈpiːtɪd
But how can anyone make a necklace from drops of water.
bət haʊ kən ˈeniwʌn meɪk ə ˈnekləs frəm drɒpz əv ˈwɔːtə(r)
I don’t care how it is made,
aɪ dəʊnt keə(r) haʊ ɪt ɪz meɪd
I want one and sometime wear it around my neck the next time
aɪ wɒnt wʌn ənd ˈsʌmtaɪm weə(r) ɪt/ əˈraʊnd/ maɪ nek ðə nekst taɪm
we have a great feast.
wi həv ə ɡreɪt fiːst
The Emperor said with jeweler.
ðə sed wɪð ˈdʒuːələ(r)
But sir, How can I do that ?
bət sɜː(r), haʊ kən aɪ də ðæt
I don’t care how you do it. But start working.
aɪ dəʊnt keə(r) haʊ ju də ɪt. bət stɑːt ˈwɜːkɪŋ
The jeweler went back to his shop and started to work.
ðə ˈdʒuːələ(r) went bæk tə hɪz ʃɒp ənd stɑːtid tə wɜːk
He collected many different kinds of string
Hi kəˈlektɪd ˈmeni ˈdɪfrənt kaɪndz əv strɪŋ
and then put some water in a big jar,
ənd ðen pʊt səm ˈwɔːtə(r) ɪn ə bɪɡ dʒɑː(r)
put it his hand into the water and pulled it out.
pʊt ɪt hɪz hænd ɪn/ tə ðə ˈwɔːtə(r) ənd pʊlid ɪt aʊt
He let some of the drops on his hand fall on a piece of string.
Hi let səm əv ðə drɒpz ɒn hɪz hænd /fɔːl ɒn ə piːs əv strɪŋ
But the drop fell off the string and splashed on the ground lie tears.
bʌt ðə drɒp fel ɒf ðə strɪŋ ənd splæʃid ɒn ðə ɡraʊnd laɪ teə(r)z
He tried and tried but could not do it.
Hi traɪd ənd traɪd bət kəd/ nɒt/ də /ɪt/
He had to go back and said for Emperor know.
Hi həd tə ɡəʊ bæk ənd sed fə(r) nəʊ
He very angry and throw him into the deepest,
Hi ˈveri ˈæŋɡri ənd θrəʊ hɪm ˈɪntə ðə diːp
darked prison in the place.
dɑːrkID ˈprɪzn ɪn ðə pleɪs
Another jewelers still so.
əˈnʌðə(r) ˈdʒuːələ(r) stɪl səʊ
One day have old man visit in the place,
wʌn deɪ həv əʊld mæn ˈvɪzɪt ɪn ðə pleɪs
when he heard everyone talk a story,
wen hi hɪə(r)D ˈevriwʌn tɔːk/ ə/ ˈstɔːri
he came to meet Emperor,
hi keɪm /tə miːt
Are you a jeweler?
ə(r) ju ə ˈdʒuːələ(r)
No. I am beggar.
nəʊ. ai əm ˈbeɡə(r
Can you to make a necklace of water drops
kən ju tə meɪk ə ˈnekləs əv /ˈwɔːtə(r) drɒpz
Of course.
əv kɔːs
But I need a princess to collect the water drops for me.
bət aɪ niːd ə ˌprɪnˈses/ tə kəˈlekt/ ðə ˈwɔːtə(r) drɒpz fə(r) mi
The old man said.
/ðə əʊld/ mæn/ sed/
When the princess brings me the water drops.
/wen ðə prɪnˈses brɪŋ mi ðə ˈwɔːtə(r) drɒpz
I’ll put them on string for you.
aɪl/ pʊt/ ðəm ɒn strɪŋ fə(r) /ju
The princess listened what things to the old man, smiling happily,
ðə prɪnˈses ˈlɪsnid wɒt/ θɪŋz tə ðə əʊld/ mæn, ˈsmaɪlɪŋ ˈhæpɪli
She ran off the fountain.
/ʃi ræn ɒf/ ðə ˈfaʊntən.
But when she returned, her hand were quite dry.
bət wen ʃi rɪˈtɜːnid, hə(r) hænd wə(r)
“It doesn’t matter”, the old man said.”
ɪt ˈdʌznt ˈmætə(r), /ðə əʊld/ mæn sed
Go back and get some more drops.I’ll wait for you here”.
ɡəʊ /bæk ənd /ɡet /səm mɔː(r) drɒp aɪl/ fə(r) ju/ hɪə(r)
The princes go back to the fountain and she collected to the beggar,
/ðə prɪns ɡəʊ bæk tə /ðə ˈfaʊntən ənd ʃi/ kəˈlektɪd tə /ðə ˈbeɡə(r)
her hands were dry again.
hə(r) hændz wə(r) draɪ əˈɡen
Then she understood that no one could make a necklace
Ðen ʃi/ ʌndəˈstʊd /ðæt nəʊ wʌn kəd meɪk ə ˈnekləs
with drops of water
/ wɪð drɒpz əv ˈwɔːtə(r)
. It was impossible.
/ɪt wəz ɪmˈpɒsəbl
“You silly girl” the beggar said and walked away.
Ju ˈsɪli ɡɜːl, sed ˈbeɡə(r) səd ənd wɔːk əˈweɪ/
The Emperor began to think about what the beggar said.
ðə ˈempərə(r) bɪˈɡæn tə θɪŋk əˈbaʊt/ wɒt ðə ˈbeɡə(r) sed
He knew then that he too had been silly.
hi/ njuː ðen ðæt hi/ /tu həd biːn ˈsɪli
He opened the prison and sent all the jeweler back to their home
hi/ ˈəʊpənid ðe ˈprɪzn ənd sent /ɔːl ðə ˈdʒuːələ(r) bæk tə ðeə(r) həʊm
and sent to them many money and had been shut in the prison.
ənd/ sent tə ðəm ˈmeni ˈmʌni ənd həd biːn ʃʌt/ ɪn ðə ˈprɪzn
The Princess gave many of her own things to the poor people in China.
ðə prɪnˈses ɡeɪv ˈmeni əv/ hə(r)/ əʊn θɪŋz tə ðə pɔː(r) /ˈpiːpl in ˈtʃaɪnə
And she only had one birthday each year. Like everybody else.
ənd/ ʃi ˈəʊnli/ həd wʌn ˈbɜːθdeɪ iːtʃ/ jɪə(r). /laɪk ˈevribɒdi/ els/
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