Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 1, 2016

5. First Snow Fall

Pronunciation checked by Trần Minh Ngọc 

5. First      Snow   Fall
ːst       snəʊ    fɔːl
 Today is November 26th.   
ˈdeI ɪz  noʊˈvɛmbə ˈtwɛnti- sɪks.
It snowed all day today. 
It  snəʊɪd  ɔːl    deI  təˈdeI
The snow is beautiful. 
 ðə   snəʊ ɪz ˈbjuːtɪfʊl
The snow finally stopped. 
ðə   snəʊ ˈfʌɪnəli stɒpɪd
My sister and I are excited.
mʌɪ ˈsɪstə  ənd  ʌɪ ɑː  ɪkˈsʌɪtɪd
My Mom doesn't like the snow.
mʌɪ mɒm ˈdʌz(ə)nt  lʌɪk  ðə snəʊ
My Mom has to shovel the drive way. 
mʌɪ mɒm hav  tə ˈʃʌv(ə)l ðə  drʌɪv   weɪ
My sister and I get to play. 
mʌɪ ˈsɪstə   ənd ʌɪ ɡɛt tə pleɪ.
I put on my hat and mittens.
ʌɪ pʊt ɒn mʌɪ hat ənd ˈmɪt(ə)n
My Mom puts on my scarf.
mʌɪ mɒm pʊt ɒn mʌɪ skɑːf
My Mom zippers my jacket.
mʌɪ mɒm ˈzɪpə mʌɪ ˈdʒakɪts
My sister puts on her hat and mittens.
mʌɪ ˈsɪstə pʊts  ɒn həː  hat ənd ˈmɪt(ə)n
My Mom puts on her scarf. 
mʌɪ mɒm pʊts ɒn həː skɑːf
My Mom zippers her jacket.
mʌɪ mɒm zɪpə həː ˈdʒakɪts
My sister and I go outside. 
mʌɪ ˈsɪstə ənd ʌɪ  ɡəʊ ˈaʊtsʌɪd
We begin to make a snow man. 
wiː  bɪˈɡɪn  tə  meɪk ə snəʊ  man
My Mom starts to shovel the snow. 
mʌɪ mɒm stɑːts  tə ˈʃʌv(ə)l ðə snəʊ
My sister and I make snow angels. 
mʌɪ ˈsɪstə ənd ʌɪ meɪk  snəʊ ˈeɪndʒ(ə)ls
My sister and I throw snowballs. 
mʌɪ ˈsɪstə ənd ʌɪ θrəʊ ˈsnəʊbɔːls
It starts to snow again. 
It stɑːts  tə  snəʊ əˈɡeɪn
We go inside for hot chssocolate.
wiː  ɡəʊ ɪnˈsʌɪd  fɔː  hɒt   ˈtʃɒk(ə)lət

4. Summer Vacation

Pronunciation checked by Vương Linh
Summer/ˈsʌmə/ Vacation/veɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/

Today/təˈdeɪ/ is/ɪz/ the/ðə/ last/lɑːst/ day/deɪ/ of/ɒv/ school/skuːl/
It/ɪt/ is/ɪz/ summer/ˈsʌmə/ vacation/veɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/
Grace/ɡreɪs/ is/ɪz/ very/ˈvɛri/ excited/ɪkˈsʌɪtɪd/
This/ðɪs/ summer/ˈsʌmə/ will/wɪl/ be/biː/ fun/fʌn/
Grace/ɡreɪs/ is/ɪz/ going/ˈɡəʊɪŋ/ to/tuː/ visit/ˈvɪzɪt/ her/həː/ Grandparents/ˈɡran(d)pɛːr(ə)nts/
They/ðeɪ/ have/hav/ a/ə/ cottage/ˈkɒtɪdʒ/
The/ðə/ cottage/ˈkɒtɪdʒ/ is/ɪz/ on/ɒn/ Lake/leɪk/ Erie/ˈɪəri/
It/ɪt/ is/ɪz/ a/ə/ lot/lɒt/ of/ɒv/ fun/fʌn/
Grace/ɡreɪs/ is/ɪz/ going/ˈɡəʊɪŋ/ to/tuː/ swim/swɪm/
She/ʃiː/ is/ɪz/ going/ˈɡəʊɪŋ/ to/tuː/ play/pleɪ/ board/bɔːd/ games/ɡeɪmz/
She/ʃiː/ is/ɪz/ going/ˈɡəʊɪŋ/ to/tuː/ talk/tɔːk/ with/wɪð/ her/həː/ grandparents/ˈɡran(d)pɛːr(ə)nts/
Grace/ɡreɪs/ is/ɪz/ going/ˈɡəʊɪŋ/ to/tuː/ have/hav/ fun/fʌn/
Grace/ɡreɪs/ is/ɪz/ going/ˈɡəʊɪŋ/ to/tuː/ a/ə/ summer/ˈsʌmə/ camp/kamp/
She/ʃiː/ will/wɪl/ sleep/sliːp/ in/ɪn/ a/ə/ cabin/ˈkabɪn/
She/ʃiː/ will/wɪl/ make/meɪk/ lots/lɒts/ of/ɒv/ new/njuː/ friends/frɛndz/
Grace/ɡreɪs/ will/wɪl/ learn/ləːn/ campfire/ˈkampfʌɪə/ songs/sɒŋz/
Camp/kamp/ will/wɪl/ be/biː/ fun/fʌn/
Grace/ɡreɪs/ is/ɪz/ going/ˈɡəʊɪŋ/ to/tuː/ Cape/keɪp/ Cod/kɒd/ with/wɪð/ her/həː/ parents/ˈpɛːr(ə)nts/
We/wiː/ are/ɑː/ going/ˈɡəʊɪŋ/ for/fɔː/ two/tuː/ weeks/wiːks/
We/wiː/ are/ɑː/ going/ˈɡəʊɪŋ/ to/tuː/ drive/drʌɪv/
Grace/ɡreɪs/ will/wɪl/ see/siː/ the/ðiː/ ocean/ˈəʊʃ(ə)n/
Cape/keɪp/ Cod/kɒd/ will/wɪl/ be/biː/ beautiful/ˈbjuːtɪf(ə)l/
Summer/ˈsʌmə/ vacation/veɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/ is/ɪz/ fun/fʌn/.

3. Joe's First Car

Pronunciation checked by Trang Đặng

Joe's   First   Car
        /fə:st/   /kɑ:/

Joe   is       18      years   old.
       /iz/  /eɪˈti:n/ /jɪərz'əʊld/

 Joe works    at   McDonald's.
      /wə:kz/ /at/

Joe saves    all   his   money. 
     /seivz/ /ɔːl/ /hiz/  /'mʌni/

Joe has $2500.00 in   the    bank.
     /haz/              /in/ ə/    /baŋk/

He     wants     to      buy    a     sports    car. 
/hi:/ /wɒntz/  /tʊ/    /bʌɪ/  /ə/  /spɔːtz/kɑ:/

Joe starts      to      look     for    a     new    car. 
      /stɑːtz/   /tʊ/     /lʊk/   /fɔː/  /ə/  /nju:/   /kɑ:/

Joe looks     in      the    newspaper. 
       /lʊkz/   /in/     /ðə/   /'nju:zpeɪpə/

Joe looks    in     magazines.
     /lʊkz/  /in/    /maɡəˈzi:nz/

Joe finds     a    car      he    likes.
    /fʌɪndz/ /ə/   /kɑ:/ /hi:/    /lʌɪk/

Joe goes   to     see    the   car     with     his     dad. 
    /ɡəʊz/ /tʊ/  /si:/ə/   /kɑ:/  /wɪð/   /hɪz/   /dad/

He      really    likes      it.
/hi:/    /'rɪəli/   /lʌɪkz/   /it/

Joe doesn't        have    enough    money.
      /'dʌz(ə)nt/   /hav/     /ɪˈnʌf/     /'mʌni/

Joe's dad     tells    him     to     keep      saving     his     money.
       /dad/  /tɛlz/     /him/  /tʊ/  /ki:p/    /'seɪvɪŋ/   /hɪz/   /'mʌni/

Joe wants     this     car     a     lot. 
     /wɒntz/    /ðɪs/   /kɑ:/   /ə/  /lɒt/

Joe asks    his    dad    to    help    him. 
   /ɑːskz/ /hɪz/ /dad/  /tʊ/  /hɛlp/  /him/

Joe and     his     dad     make     a      deal. 
     /ənd/   /hɪz/   /dad/   /meɪk/   /ə/    /di:l/

Joe's dad       will     lend     him      the       money.
        /dad/     /wɪl/   /lɛnd/    /him/     ə/     /'mʌni/

Joe must     work      hard.
     /mʌst/   /wə:k/    /hɑːd/

He must      pay     the     money     back      to     his     dad. 
     /mʌst/   /peɪ/    /ðə/     /'mʌni/    /bak/    /tʊ/    /hiz/   /dad/

Joe is     very       happy. 
    /iz/    /'vɛri/     /'hapi/

Joe owns     his       first         car.
     /əʊnz/    /hiz/    /fə:st/       /kɑ:/